The city is crowded, my friends are away
And I'm on my own
It's too hot to handle, so I got to get up and go - Cruel Summer, Bananarama
It's been a super busy summer! Perhaps a little cruel, in that I've had no time for a break. Between writing an AI ethics curriculum for four courses that will launch later this year and many other business activities, I realize the blog has suffered a little. This is a round up post of some exciting projects I've been part of in the past few months.
I had a chance to speak to the Women in Datascience Vancouver (WiDS) chapter. We covered a lot of ground in this talk about how data scientists can apply ethics in their work and why this fields needs more women! As with all my talks, the Q & A is the best part - so many great questions from this community.
In July, the amazing For Humanity community wrapped up it's draft Ethics Curriculum project. One of the core tenets of this work is to ensure diversity of stakeholder feedback. I led a team that grappled with the issue of "diverse, multi-stakeholder feedback" in the context of an AI ethics audit. We didn't always agree....which is actually part of the point. Learning how to engage respectfully with people holding different viewpoints is something we need to do more of in so many domains. In the spirit of transparency and learning, we shared our work:
Its now mid August and earlier this week I hosted office hours with Startup Edmonton. These are 30 minute "ask me anything" sessions where companies can bring their thorny ethical dilemmas for a confidential conversation. Since technology ethics is a relatively new area, I made a short ad to explain what we'd cover in the session and why it would be something worth attending. I had such rich and engaging discussions with these thoughtful entrepreneurs, I can't wait to do this again.
By Katrina Ingram, CEO, Ethically Aligned AI _______
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Ethically Aligned AI is a social enterprise aimed at helping organizations make better choices about designing and deploying technology. Find out more at ethicallyalignedai.com © 2021 Ethically Aligned AI Inc. All right reserved.