Better choices for better AI
Making applied ethics actionable to help organizations
design and deploy responsible AI

Our AI ethics micro-credential certification is a four-course program that’s delivered online, asynchronously in partnership with PowerED by Athabasca University. It’s designed to meet the needs of working professionals and individuals with both technical and non-technical backgrounds.
This certification is the equivalent of occupational health and safety training for anyone working with digital technologies. It delivers the foundational skills needed to address issues around the ethical development of AI systems.

Our new certification is making headlines!
We envision a more just and equitable world where technology supports well-being, upholds human values and works to benefit everyone.
We’re on a mission to help organizations understand the risks and benefits of using AI and to advise them on how to improve these systems.
Is AI/ML part of your digital transformation strategy? Find out how we can help you take an ethics-first approach to digital transformation

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