It's definitely fall. The air is cooler, the leaves are turning shades of red, pumpkin-spice lattes are back and it's conference season. I've been working a number of upcoming presentations to share my work, or as they call it in academia, knowledge mobilization.
First up is a presentation I did back in July for Dr. Marilene Oliver's Know Thyself as a Virtual Reality sessions. This was the first time I presented my research results, a month before handing in my final research paper. This video summarizes my research project and outlines a few key findings.
Next week I'm presenting at DiHuCon 2020, the student conference for the digital humanities. Online conferences are increasingly asynchronous so "presenting" really means making a video and then attending the conference to answer questions. This presentation is a deeper dive into healthcare data and looking at how we can balance using this data for our collective good while protecting individual rights.
Finally, on the 28th, my work will be featured at Inclusive AI, hosted by the International Centre for Information Ethics and the Kule Institute in conjunction with UNESCO's IFAP working group. That video isn't public, but it's a highly summarized version of my project.
I have a few upcoming guest lecture spots that I'm working on next as well as two papers for journal submissions. I'm learning that while the core research project might be complete, how and where you publish and present is yet another step in the process towards establishing your academic credentials. Plus, this is actually the part I love the most - sharing the work!
By Katrina Ingram _______
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